Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Disclaimer and Disclosure

Careers that Work is a blog dedicated to helping individuals in the midst of career transition and job search by providing resources and insight. 

I do my best to accurately list websites, resources,and events, however, because information is gathered from a number of different sources including websites, emails, magazines, and organizational printings, I cannot guarantee the accuracy of all listed information and strongly suggest that readers double check the dates, times, and overall information before registering or attending the listed events in case of change or inaccuracy of details.

Because I have little personal exposure to the majority of listed events and resources, I cannot fully endorse them.  I HIGHLY  encourage you to seek as much information as possible by gathering feedback and references from trusted sources before you you use these resources or attend events listed on this blog.

Compensation Disclosure
In the interest of full disclosure as required by the FTC as of 12/1/2009, the only compensation I receive from this blog is through Google’s Adsense.

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