Know thyself is a cornerstone of career development. If you can get a good grasp on what your motivates you, what your skills, values, and interests are; you are much more likely to not only find employment, but find employment you you both excel at and enjoy. You could go out and spend lots of money taking assessments and while I don't doubt that the counsel you would receive would be very helpful, you may not have the funding for such an endeavor.
Online assessments do NOT replace the guidance and resourcefulness of a good career counselor. I urge you to make an appointment with a career counselor to talk about your career challenges and ambitions today. Let these assessments be just a start to helping you understand your interests, values, personality, and skills better.
Best Job Fit
3 Smart Cubes
Career Colleges Career Assessment
Coach Compass
Career Fitter
Career Link
Career Zone
Insight Game
Live Career
Maze Master
What Half
Interest Assessments
MN Careers Interest Assessment
O Net Computerized Interest Profiler
O Net Profiler Short Form
Job Diagnosis
Learning Style
What is Your Learning Style?
What is Your Direction Style?
What is Your Engagement Style?
Career City Motivation Inventory
Mind Tools Motivation Assessment
Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential
What is Your Motivation Style?
The Big Five Personality Test
Carolyn Kalil's Free Personality Quiz
Develop and Grow Personality Assessment ResourcesGoddess Flight Personality Assessment
Humanmetrics Jung Typology
Job Behaviors
Kiersey Temperment Sorter
Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential
O Net Interest Profiler
Riso-Hudson Ennegram Type Indicator
Testing Room
Skills Assessments
Career One Stop Skills Profiler
Career Perfect Work Inventory
iSeek Skills Assessment
O Net Ability Profiler
Values Assessments
Arizona State University Values Assessment
O Net Work Importance Locator
O Net Work Importance ProfilerPortland Community College
Pep Job Values Assessment
Portland Community College
Quintessential Careers Workplace Values
Rutger's Value Assessment
Stewart Cooper and Coon Career Values Test
If You're Hooked on Career-Related Quizzes - here are sites with a bunch of little quizzes to help you become more aware of your
readiness in all kinds of areas such as choosing a major, starting your
own business, job hunting, networking, and more.
All the Tests
Quintessential Careers
that's Brilliant & Useful Career Tool to create a Meaningful CV.
I want to thank you for posting this collection of links. After a recent back surgery, I am looking to make a career change. I only have experience in my former line work, so prospective jobs have been hard to come by. Maybe a career assessment will help me find an occupation that I am suited for.
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